

Feeling relaxed, in control, and a sense of calmness everyday. A sense of knowing that you can handle anything that comes your way.

All because you... 


  • Stopped setting impossibly high standards of how you should think & feel

  • Understand how your mind receives and processes stress

  • Know what in your life is within your control, and how to let the rest go

  • Developed the skills teach yourself how to relax and became less reactive 


The Life Teachings Membership

by Dr. Elana Miller, Psychiatrist, MD


An online membership library full of concrete, practical tools to solve your immediate problems and help you feel happier, less stressed, and more joyful.

Join the Life Teachings Program

Video Lesson Library

Access to Elana's entire content library, with 50+ video lessons on how to help you live a fuller, happier life. Topics and coping strategies cover: depression, anxiety, cancer survivorship, and trauma/PTSD. 

PDF Downloads

Lesson summaries, journal prompts, and personal reflections to connect lesson tactics to your own life. 

Q&As with Dr. Miller

Ability to submit personal questions to Dr. Miller, and receive a video response in return. 

Are you moving in circles?

Have you been trying to find the perfect therapist for a while, or wasting time trying to solve the problem on your own? Maybe you’ve been waiting for the problem to pass over, but as time goes on you realize it’s still holding you back and affecting other areas of your life. 


You just want the practical advice, wisdom, resources that will help everything to click together and fall into place. You want the lessons and skills needed to start making changes in your life right now  not a year from now. 



Find your "a ha" moments here.

The “ah ha” moment -- the radical, positive shift in your emotional state or life perspective in a brief amount of time, because it was the exact right thing you needed to hear at the exact right time. All of the sudden you find the missing piece you were looking for and it all clicks into place in your mind.

The Life Teachings Membership Program


After 10 years of practicing psychiatry and treating hundreds of patients, I’ve pulled together my most successful resources, tools, and proven-strategies — all presented in an easy-to-access online format.


Each lesson packs a punch, and in 10-15 minutes you’ll get a specific, practical strategy you can use immediately. You can watch the videos and read the lessons at your own pace, and pause or cancel your subscription easily at any time.

Join The Program -- $47/month


Advanced Meditation Practice
(15 minute video lesson)
You vs. The Universe  
(12 minute video lesson)
How to Find Purpose In Difficult Times
(8 minute video lesson)

Are you ready to...

  • Become more skilled at dealing with stress and anxiety?
  • Learn how to transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts?
  • Gain confidence in your ability to handle whatever happens, so you don’t feel like you need to control everything all the time? 
  • Become more emotionally skillful and less reactive, so you can pause between your thoughts and your reactions and choose wise actions while letting unwise thoughts go?
  • Learn to experience peace and contentment—even in the middle of times of change and uncertainty?
Get Started
"Every morning I sit down with a cup of coffee and watch one video. It has made a tremendous difference in how I approach each day with a stronger perspective and better attitude. I have a better relationship with myself and the people around me because of these lessons. Thank you Elana." 

- Carmen R., Life Teachings Student

"Her perspective and process is an incredible teaching opportunity." 

- John F., Life Teachings Student

"To be honest, I have never felt so attached to a professional whom I have solicited for help. I know that for me, you have been a lifeline, a life line back to something which I could describe as a place of peace and sanity."

- Kathryn K., Life Teachings Student

The Life Teachings Membership

What's Included In The Program:


Module 1 -  Coping With Anxiety & Depression 

(VALUE: $500)
  • My holistic approach to overcoming anxiety & depression 
  • 3 workshop exercises that help identify the problems/anxieties in your life, and how to manage them 
  • How to practice mindfulness in everyday life

Module 2 - Coping With Coronavirus

(VALUE: $600)
  • Managing expectations for yourself & others during uncertain times 
  • Productivity during quarantine
  • How to adopt a new routine & achieve your goals 
  • Finding purpose in life while people are suffering 
  • Why we need to give each other the benefit of the doubt
  • Understanding addiction during quarantine 

Module 3 - Grief & Mourning

(VALUE: $350)
  • My grief story
  • How to grieve the loss of a loved one
  • How to grieve the loss of a circumstance 
  • How to grieve the loss of a relationship 
  • The difference between grief & depression

Module 4 - My Cancer Journey

  • The 100-day vlog-style journey of the days leading up to, during, and after my stem cell transplant in 2019 (21 total posts)
  • How to find purpose during difficult times
  • How mindfulness helped me through uncertain times
  • The difference between feeling "normal" and "happy"
  • The difference between pain vs. suffering 
  • How to grow your hair back out after chemo 

Bonus 1 - Relaxation & Mindfulness

(VALUE: $450)
  • Why relaxation is important
  • How our two nervous systems interact 
  • The evolutionary stages of relaxation & mindfulness in your life 
  • The importance of breathing exercises & how to adopt them into your daily routine
  • Using meditation practices to deal with negative emotions 
  • Dealing with the 5 Demons: Desire, Aversion, Sleepiness, Restlessness, Doubt

Bonus 2 - Overcoming Trauma (A Heart-Centered Approach) 

(VALUE: $550)
  • Trauma leads to fear, which leads to avoidance, which leads to reinforcement of the fear. The work is learning how to break this trauma cycle.
  • Understanding the difference between pain & suffering 
  • Narrative exposure & In Vivo (real life) exposure to trauma
  • The role of a present mindset while overcoming trauma 
  • Processing emotional reactions to trauma (anger, fear, guilt, and shame), and how to manage negative emotions 

Bonus 3 - Reclaiming Your Resiliency

(VALUE: $450)
  • A 90-minute webinar I recorded while undergoing intensive chemotherapy for lymphoma (the first time)
  • Pain is a part of life, but many of us struggle with integrating difficult experiences into our hearts. In this webinar, you will learn 4 practical tools for transforming your suffering into acceptance and spiritual growth

TOTAL VALUE = $2,900 (and growing)


Personalized Video & Assessment From Dr. Miller 

Get the most out of the Life Teachings Program based on your individual need. 



You'll complete a detailed questionnaire, and in return receive a holistic evaluation video and 7-8 page assessment from me. Personal assessments are focused on 3 key categories: physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual well-being. I will also share recommended resources within Life Teachings and elsewhere, with the goal of helping you get the most out of the program based on your individual need. 

You can add this feature to your order once you checkout.

Join The Life Teachings Membership Today 

A $2,900 value for only $47/month.

Monthly Subscription



  • Unlimited access to Elana's content library with over 50+ video lessons, 7 modules, and
  • Unlimited Q&A access 
  • Free PDF Downloads with journal prompts, worksheets, and more

Picture yourself here

  • You feel less stressed in your day-to-day
  • You feel more confident in your ability to make decisions 
  • You're more connected in your personal relationships with friends and family
  • You become a better critical thinker and communicator 
  • You have a practical toolkit of coping skills you can call on when you face the inevitable stressors of life 
  • You've learned how to create your own happiness internally, rather than having your happiness depend on external things that are outside of your control
Get Started